"nonsensical things were normal when experiencing life as a human being" - yes, that part is definitely relatable! :)

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The planet didn't look round?

As far as I know, souls travel not by flying, but by postulating or considering themselves in a place. In other words, if I as a soul want to go to France and the Eifel tower, I don't fly from America to France, I would just postulate myself or consider myslef in France and I will be there instantly.

So, I wonder if traveling from planet to planet, for a soul, is not like traveling the space, but just appearing on the surface, and of couse, the surface of the sea doesn't look round unless one is thousands of miles above.

But this is only my speculation.

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The soul is not limited to arrive somewhere in any way or form. Absolutely it can postulate where it wants to be, and be there. Why did the We travel instead of simply appear in the body? Unsure. But they did. As to the curvature, I have not seen curvature at any height. Weirdest thing. I can take photos with or without curvature depending on the lens I use. Is the Earth a marble traveling around the sun at 67000 mph plus whatever the sun traveling at, about 450000 mph, itself… making the Earth travel through space at around 823193 mph? If you add the alleged speed of the Milky Way traveling round the alleged central Sun, then you go into millions of mph. No. We don’t live on a marble that travels that fast through nothingness. Space is not nothingness. Remember that what is being taught in school are all theories and postulates. The We reports what they experience, without agendas of round or flat Earth, which in my opinion are both false and erroneous postulates.

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Very interesting. Unfortunately as you said you have to get used to the inversions in order to live the urban experience. There are a lot of contradictions and inversions.

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Oh my (Our), The We. Thank you for sharing the ability to “…find her anywhere in the Universe…”, what a beautiful gift! I claim it for myself. Well, for Us, I mean for my galactic and spiritual siblings and all who might be concerned in Love.

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I wonder if fixing the body, did upset the plans of the "game players" (in this case the mantid beings controlling the between lives area for humans).

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Since many of this "things" can not be described with words, nor understood with minds, it is very helpfull that this is being related for us.

So, I understand that Gaia at Source is "3" describing themselves as "we".

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