Often, when people ask us, or we should clarify, when people ask our singular expression, Inelia, where does she get all the information she brings to the human collective? We, or our I, express that soon after being born, she figured out that the way in which she perceived the world, and the range of awareness with which she perceived it, was different to that of others.
Many people who have met us in conscious awareness, in other words they were spending time with The We, immediately gave their power away to us. They held us in awe and authority, and often based entire life decisions on our comments and answers to their questions.
This act, of having a big impact in people’s lives, brought about a significant level of censorship to our interaction with the larger world.
On our last article, we spoke about the early years. We were happy to share the interaction we had with Larry and his questions.
The process of answering those questions, however, was a slow and methodical one.
These days, our We and our I are fairly well integrated. Often, when we want to express fully as the We, we simply hijack our I as she writes the many posts, articles and novels she works on every day. We counted 10,000 as the average written words for her in a typical week.
Where do all these words go? That may be a topic for another exploration of physical reality.
She also likes to paint, create power objects, sigils of power, play computer games, create whole worlds in virtual realities, and the list goes on. Therefore when we want to express, or feel there is something important that we want to write, or create, we sneak in on an increasing level of “disruption”.
She then becomes the secondary awareness field and allows us time on the keyboard.
This week was like that. For days we impinged in the speaking and writing she was doing. As well as the art pieces. As she would look at it to make sure they expressed what she wanted to express, she saw our messages in there. But it took a few days before she would sit quietly and allows our We expression to superseded the I expression.
As a young child, there was little I, and a lot of We. At a certain age, we figured out that we had to give a lot more room and space for the I to develop. To the degree that we formed a wall between the We expression and the I expression, so that we would not influence our exploration of singular identity as a human being.
For years after that, we would take turns on who was driving the body.
At some point, maybe 12 years old, the I awareness knew she was losing more and more of the We awareness. It was frustrating to her as it resulted in not knowing much about the Universe. At some point between 12 and 15, she found out about “automatic writing”. She tried it with no results. We basically didn’t allow some random strange being to take over our body and start using it to write channeled material. That was not going to happen.
And as we felt this energy, and had that thought, she heard it and remembered who she really was.
After that, came our next step in our explorations of the Universe together. You see, as we built that wall, we also were not privy to what the I was experiencing. We felt that at some point in the future, when we died, the gathered data of the I which was carried in the soul construct would then be available to us.
But when the I heard and remembered us, she thought of the method that wasn’t working, the automatic writing, and simply said, “OK, I am going to write us a question, and we can take over the body and answer it.”
She took a notebook and pen, sat comfortably and wrote a question. What would a fourteen year old singular expression of us write for the first questions?
“What is the nature of the Universe?” “Who are we?” “Why did we separate our awareness and limit ourselves like this?” “What are we doing here?”
Years later, an adult saw the notebook, and wondered what type of kid would ask those and then answer them in detail. It would take us a few pages to answer each question.
We also learned that the process of asking and answering questions was a very powerful way to explore the Universe.
We have, of course, experienced the physical universe for so many years the numbering system of the human species is inadequate to measure.
However, those experiences were complete, whole, experiential, connected, unlimited, and perceived from an unmeasurable number of focus points.
What fascinated us enough to explore existing as a human person on the most limited of human experience, a world in the throngs of experiencing darkness, was that separation and tiny awareness field that comes with the incarnation.
How do the human population manage to get anything done while living an illusion of separation? How is it that the groups of people on Earth that figure out that reality is constantly being created by the population, then decide to create power over others and limit the experience they can have in the Universe to such degrees that people need to numb their minds in order to withstand it?
Even as we limited our expression within the singular expression, in order to have the limited experience, our singular expression was light years larger than anyone we ever encountered on Earth.
At the same time, our social skills, emotional body, and attention to importances, were lacking in maturity and usefulness.
We could only do the singular in short bursts as the level of frustrating boredom was insufferable. The rest of the time, we made sure to spend the singular time reading a book, sitting quietly, painting, making music, writing in our journals, and when we were older, ride our motorbikes and cars alone, and when in the presence of others, we simply observed them and watched them in detail. In other words, we did everything possible to minimize personal interactions with other people.
Most of the people in our lives never noticed.
We figured out that most were content to simply be asked a personal question about themselves and they would talk for hours after that.
When, many years later, we decided to have interactions with the population, mostly during events, we found that often we did not understand what people meant or what they were asking. The separation between our We expression and our I expression had become too great.
In 2014, Larry came into our lives at a level that our two expressions could not be ignored. We decided to have long conversations with him in our We expression, and start the work of integrating both expressions into one.
For the next few years, when we were able to have both expressions of awareness in our body at the same time, we were able to have sessions within events, where many people could ask us questions.
The first few times were challenging and most of the time was spent with the singular translating what people meant with their questions, while we tried our best to answer items. It was such an effort that we would often forget other important things, such as breathing, blinking, moving our body.
We had not had that issue when we had events where there was no personal interaction with people as our We expression. Although we did always find walking to be a challenge.
Our physical body is, after all, her own owner. As are all human bodies. The soul, and our singular soul as well as our We expression, do treat the body like she belongs to us. But at best within a singular life, for everyone who has a body and soul, we are simply being lent a body for a bit.
As we understand our body more, and have a healthier connection with her both as a singular expression as well as a We expression, she has become more collaborative, supportive and protective of us.
Next time, we will share our first experience with the physical universe and then our first awareness of Humans.
There aren't words. Thank you so much for...sharing
This is the history of all of us. This is a 'History of Man'.