We feel that you do understand what the title of this article means. Even if it is from the perspective of a soul and a body. Allow yourself the imagenings of stepping into what you call your personal awareness, mind perhaps, and also your physical body awareness, then perhaps the awareness of a plant in your room or office, and maybe a pet. How about the awareness of the live critters and bugs that live in your house?
Stay with us for a few more imagenings.
Now imagine integrating the awareness of your house. Yes, the brick and mortar, or the wooden structure, that is the building where you live. If you
are not home right now, imagine then the awareness of the building or vehicle you are in.
We would suggest you don’t drive and imagine these things at the same time.
Our We consciousness (and if you haven’t read our previous writings, the name WE is just a humorous given name that Inelia thought for us. We don’t actually have a name in your or any other language), has this issue.
We have had some level of success (minute) in integrating our singular awareness construct which you call Inelia, and the other consciousness (we won’t call it larger) that we call The We.
Our awareness field is so radically different to human awareness fields that when we speak directly to people, they end up talking about bananas. Or about themselves, which is, by the measure of Universal complexity, bananas too.
Inelia tells us that you will be offended by our experience of your self interest. But we wanted to use the above words to illustrate the difficulty in trying to integrate very different awarenesses.
Imagine yourself in a forest. It is a breezy day and the rustling of leaves around you sounds like the ocean. You can smell the damp earth and moss on the trees, bringing a fresh and cool sensation to your skin.
Are the trees speaking to you? Is the moss? The wind? And if they were, would that speech be interpreted by your intellectual functions into human speech? And then, would that message be talking about you? Giving you advice? Telling you what to do about a certain situation? Giving you the answer to a specific personal problem? Would you think that the forest is healing you? Or trying to tell you something?
Chances are the forest, the moss, the wind don’t know you are there. At least don’t know you are there as Mary, Joe, Philip, Catherine… Chances are that the forest, the moss and the wind cannot grasp that you have issues or problems or need healing. Those things don’t exist in other intelligence awareness fields.
To those intelligences, you would be a field of warmth, movement, electric frequencies and vibrations.
Humans interpret everything in human terms. Trees interpret everything in tree terms, as does moss understand things in moss terms and wind understand the Universe in wind terms.
In a previous article we talked about how we are still in conversation with a distant ocean. We are the sand that makes a beach and the conversation takes millions of years.
The ocean converses in mineral and life rich watery terms, while sand converses in crystalline ways.
Humans in this paradigm converse in a very centered in their own experience way.
Let us say that again, “centered in their own experience way”. It is not different to how the wind or the ocean or the moss or the trees converse.
We, indeed, created a human singularity to understand human centered conversation and experience. We did not factor in that when our awareness field touches humans, their own awareness field becomes different. When that happens, and they attempt to become interesting to the We, their “monkey mind” (not our term) turns on to perhaps protect their singular identity and bananas enter the equation.
We find our singular experience both fascinating and boring. Exhaustingly boring and excruciatingly interesting.
It is short. It is limited to a very narrow band of perception, and continuously figuring out ways to “keep the peace” with other humans. Especially when we become the main perspective. It appears that as we become the main perspective, our physical functions change to become less important and less defining.
This has become the main barrier in having a fully integrated awareness field that encompasses both as the singular and We. The physical body does not have the “space” or “language” to translate our perception and interpretation language into a human experience.
Imagine trying to integrate the awareness of every person on Earth, and not lose yourself or your own importances, in the process. We do not recommend you do this.
We came to understand the human experience. We are not doing a good job, most of the human experience we have witnessed or had ourselves, is incomprehensible to us.
We have guides and teachers, but they are not in this timeline. In this timeline, we figure things out ourselves.
Here is a challenge for you: Ask us anything, but don’t tell us about your personal life, or your beliefs or theories, when you do.
Are We interesting? Apparently we are. But not very interesting to us. We are, however, interested in starting a conversation. For that to happen, we need to learn each other’s language.
Didn't realize that this was the place to ask questions to the WE
Can the WE please tell us more about different experiences it has had. This can be experiences inside and outside physical reality. Is it even possible to talk about experiences outside physical reality? The more the experience pushes the boundaries of human awareness the better.